Read our thoughts on whether or not you should be making your own study materials for the bar exam.
How to study for the bar exam on your own.
A 45 day bar exam self study plan.
There are three ways to study for the bar exam.
Additionally don t assume that just because your preferred review course doesn t mesh with your work schedule you have no choice but to study on your own.
Self studying for the california bar with be a goat.
There was not much to it really.
Anyway this was how i studied on my own and passed the bar exam.
I had a plan supplies and was able to do as many practice questions under bar exam conditions.
Many students ask us how to create a great bar exam study schedule.
If you are doing bar prep on your own you may wonder where to begin.
Take a bar preparation course work with a tutor or study on your own.
Being a goat actually has something to do with self studying for the california bar exam.
You will be able to structure your study time in a manner that fits your life and your schedule and still be confident you will have the materials you need to be successful on the bar.
Part i yes you read that right.
The method that is right for you will depend on your individual needs.
Below we have a 45 day bar exam self study schedule for you to follow.
You didn t write the bar exam or the bar prep books so don t think that you will suddenly be able to crack them on your own.